Thursday, March 24, 2011

Long Time...yeah, yeah.

I have come to the realization that I am a bad blogger. I just can't make myself regularly update and write about my life. I simply get caught up other things or nothing. Who am I kidding? I usually just fall asleep. Well, here's the thing. I need to keep up with my friends, though I doubt they will actually read this; but if they want to, the option is there to read about my life and keep in touch in a way.

Right now, for instance, I am sitting in a class about civil rights. We are talking about Memphis Schools v. Stachura deciding whether or not juries can consider the subjective value of someone's civil rights when calculating actual damages for a violation. If that sounds interesting to you, then maybe you should check out law school (or not, because it's seriously expensive and kinda difficult). If it sounds confusing or boring, then stay away from law school (you'll be happier that way).

Maybe after class I'll write an actual update and try to be entertaining. Only time will tell.

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