Friday, March 25, 2011

Just Another Thursday

Before we get started, yes, I know it's Friday, but seeing as this post is about my life yesterday, the title works.

Anyway, so yesterday was Thursday and it was just another Thursday. I got up a bit late, forwent taking a shower because if I did I'd be even more tardy and consequently I would not get a parking spot on campus close to the law school (stupid undergraduates), and hurried out the door before 9 am. I had taken my civil rights book home with me the night before with every intention on being 100% productive in my evening and actually read for class. Needless to say, that didn't happen. Instead, after grocery shopping Wednesday night and coming home and making chicken tikka masala (which was delicious), I did the dishes and then promptly lazed about. Well, in fairness at about 10pm I did start cleaning my room and got pretty darn far with it. But that aside, I still wasn't as productive as I thought I would be.

On the bright side, I survived the class I was ill prepared for. Thank goodness for google. Then, both of my usual afternoon classes were cancelled so I got to go home at noon. Again, I intended on being productive, especially because I had basically six extra hours to be productive. Instead, I sat and I read for five hours. Oh, well reading is productive you might say, but I wasn't reading for class I was reading for fun. Not really what I needed to be doing then, c'est la vie.

The one "productive" thing I did was make coq au vin but not with red wine but a riesling. I have to say it was amazing. Seriously, I think everyone should add coq au vin to their recipe repertoire. It was seriously delicious.

  Other than making that delicious dinner, I was further "productive" by watching NBC's comedy lineup. Oh well. Overall it was typical Thursday. If you're interested in the recipe for the delicious dinner I made, let me know and I forward you the link.

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