Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Random Thoughts....

So, in the spirit of updating my blog I thought I'd share so fun tidbits that I've been randomly or not so randomly thinking about. I think they're fun/interesting/pertinent...but if you don't, then keep that shit to yourself.

1. I'm kinda irritated at my Civil Procedure book--not only because it's CivPro but because the book uses "she" instead of "him" for the third person when objectively describing the law. Maybe it's the fact that I grew up when books mainly were "sexist" or the fact that I studied Spanish, but I find it awkward and forced. Also, it's just as sexist to have the book refer to only "she" and never use "him" when describing the law (not in cases, of course). Maybe I'm being sexist against my own gender but it annoys me.

2. My DVD player literally just broke as I was writing this. I'm hoping if I let it rest a day it will come back to life but the outcome is looking bleak.

3. I went to my first Dodger's game tonight to celebrate Nicole's bday and I had a good time. Perhaps baseball is a better sport than I thought. I didn't hate it at all. Don't quote me on that though.

4. My musical obsession for the past couple of weeks has been Kid Cudi--especially "Day 'n' Night" and "The Sky Might Fall" but now I'm looking for a new fix. Music is pretty much heroin for me. I need something new to get attached to until I need my next fix. So, if you have any suggestions--throw 'em my way.

5. I really want to go to a concert. Specifically, I want to go to Coachella...but it starts tomorrow (Friday). Boo. If anyone has an extra ticket...I'll come with you! :D

6. My new favorite site is Twitter--I've been on it for a while but it's no good unless your friends actually use it too--so thanks for all of you who have decided to use Twitter. For all of you who don't, start! And follow me! Just look for kayleighdarling.

7. New Shows I wish I had time to watch/ Some I do:
Parks and Recreation on NBC--it had some good moments--I'm excited to see where it goes
Southland--yeah, the reason I watched the first episode was because Ryan from the OC is there--but it's a good show--promise--give it a try!
The Unusuals on ABC--looks interesting but I haven't watched it yet

Okay I think that about wraps it up. Hopefully I post something else soon.


1 comment:

Linnea said...

good to finally see an update :oP

I'm with you on the "she" thing in the textbooks.

I love Southland. That's all.
