Thursday, April 16, 2009

In memory of my Sony Progessive Scan DVD Player

My Sony Progressive Scan DVD Player has died after 6(ish) years of dutiful service. It happened last night as I was trying to watch Role Models. It tried and tried and tried to read the disc but it failed. After trying 20 other discs I own with no success, I felt defeated.

Then, being the genius that I am, I decided to let it rest. Surely it would be running in the morning! No, it still didn't work. So then I decided that I would take a look and see if I could figure out what was wrong. So I removed the cover and peered into the depths- or rather shallows- of my DVD player, examining the various electronic parts that comprise its guts. I was about to set to task and really figure out what was wrong when I remembered: I DON'T KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT HOW DVD PLAYERS WORK or about electronics in general.

So, I sat for a few minutes pondering what to do and I gave up. I put it back together and resigned myself to the fact that my DVD player has reached the end of its life. But now I'm DVD player-less and cannot play movies on my pretty television.

Sad times my friends, sad times.

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