Friday, June 3, 2011

Ch-ch-changes... mostly suck.

Much can change in three weeks, and then again, sometimes nothing changes at all. For me, much has changed. I graduated from Pepperdine Law School on May 20 at a beautiful outdoor ceremony at Alumni Park on the Malibu Campus overlooking the ocean. It was only slightly hazy that day, but otherwise brilliant and the weather was just chilly enough that my massive Harry-Potter-esque robes weren't too oppressively hot.

On a sadder note, four of my good friends here at Pepperdine have moved away from southern California to go back from whence they came. Katie went back to Wisconsin, Brittany to Ohio, and Bethany and Stephanie to Texas. It makes me sad to think that I won't see them again for a while. Especially Stephanie because I was often her partner in crime and there was never a dull moment when she was around. Times like these make me simultaneously curse and praise technology and social media. I am thankful that I have social media and technology to keep in touch with these wonderful people who I miss dearly; however, at the same time, it in some ways keeps the sadness of missing them around. In a way, it reminds me that I won't be able to call them and meet up and go out or just hang out with them at home, and that sucks. I know that with time, however, it won't feel so fresh or sad, but the road to acceptance and tolerance is sometimes long and irritating. Too bad there is not an easy button for that.

In other news, my mom officially retired early from Continental Airlines due to their merger with United Airlines. The significance of that is that I will no longer fly for free. Yes, ladies and gentleman, I will be regulated to paying for flights. No more random trips to France or England or anywhere. In fact, unless you come to SoCal to see me, it's unlikely that I'll see you for quite a while. This fact also makes me sad, but hopefully I'll have a job soon and then I can make enough money to afford a plane ticket and perhaps some time off. We'll see.

Finally, all I'm doing with my life at the moment is study for the bar exam. Most of my waking hours are devoted to this and yes, it sucks. But being a lawyer will be awesome; well, at least it better be.

1 comment:

Kimberly and Michael said...

I don't like this no free flight news! I do love that video though :)