Saturday, April 9, 2011

Music Report: The Three Sides of the Coin

School is trudging along at a rapidly slow pace. Time is funny that way, but everyone knows this; it's still surprising how it still manages to surprise us. Anyway, getting down to the nitty-gritty. The other week I downloaded Adele's new album, 21, after a friend reminded me it was out (my friend Amber). After not listening to it for a while, I thought the other day, I'd play it again. After listening to it as background noise, I gave it a proper listening and I was truly blow away. This album is amazing. Her first album, 19, was beautiful and she has impressed me since then, but this album is full of emotion and her soulful voice. It is truly remarkable. Three of my favorite songs from this album are: Rumor Has It, Rolling in the Deep, and Someone Like You.

First, Rumor Has It. This is a soulful, edgy song with some rhythm and blues undertones and a throw-back feel. The catchy, 50s-like chorus and the dirty, southern sound is a infectious as it is empowering (I'm a big fan of the rhythmic clapping). The bridge in the middle is a break from the beat heavy song; it's just Adele sincerely singing out the lyrics accompanied by soft strings and the vibrant piano. It's a true delight and a song I can listen to over and over again.

Next, Rolling in the Deep. This song has been on the radio and was definitely a good first choice for a single. Again, there's the heavy emphasis on the drum and rhythm. You can definitely hear the influences of old country music on her sound, which I don't mind at all. It's fantastic. What's also great about this song are the lyrics. Adele openly talks about how this album is a break up album and this song is the powerful side. Basically telling the ex-lover, look what you could have had. You messed it up. You made a huge mistake. And my favorite (actual lyrics): "You're gonna wish you never had met me...Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep."
Finally, on the opposite side of Rolling in the Deep, there is Someone Like You. Adele talks about what this song means, so watch the video for that. This song is the opposite of both Rolling in the Deep and Rumor Has It. It's slow. The rhythm is stripped. It's just Adele, her beautiful voice and lyrics, and the piano. It's not a catchy or instantly infectious; rather its a song that sticks to your bones. It stays with you, lingering somewhere deeper. It's tragic and beautiful and real. It's probably my favorite on her album thus far.

Well, that's the end of my music report. I hope you enjoyed one of these songs. What are you obsessing about? What do you think of Adele?

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