Monday, October 6, 2008


My alarm clock blared a mixture of static and jazz music this morning as it announced the arrival of 6:00 am, but of course, I really don't remember any of this. Instead, I smacked my alarm clock, rolled over, and fell promptly back to sleep. Another five minutes ticked by without much consciousness or activity until a second alarm from my cell phone rang out. That one, I turned off completely without realizing it.

I rolled over, a while later, my room slightly glowing with the morning light and looked at the clock across from my bed. The clock's asymmetrical arms stretch out indicating it was 8:25 am, give or take a few minutes. Lacking the consciousness to do the full time conversion in my head, I pulled my cell phone to my face to observe the real time. 8:02. Shit. 8:02. My mind rolled around this figure several times; it tumbled to and fro before the full weight of it sunk into my budding consciousness. 8:02...class at 9:10...I could sleep for another 20 minutes I thought for a second. That's what I would have done in undergrad, I thought. In undergrad, I could sleep another 20 minutes, roll out of bed, thrown on whatever I had, shove my laptop into my bag and grab the right book before bounding off to class. Maybe I'd stop at the student lounge and grab a drink on the way, too. No, a voice in the back of my head yelled; This isn't undergrad. Stupid reality.

So, reluctantly I lifted myself from my pillowed paradise and proceeded with my new morning ritual. The typical things occurred; I decided my shower last night wouldn't need to be repeated, I turned on CNN, pulled my hair back, checked my email, facebook, my blog, the weather and my calendar of events for the day, I put on clothes, makeup, and reviewed the cases for my Torts class. Then I breakfasted; the standard bowl of cereal and caffeine injection. (If I could actually receive the caffeine intravenously, I would.) Then I packed for the day. No one told me before law school that case books were so cumbersome. I often carry a back pack and a laptop bag! Fun.

And by 8:55 am (at the latest), I'm out the door and off to Torts and then various other classes subsequently. And my mind dwells now on mornings past, where my lackadaisical ways were rewarded and I wish I had appreciated them more.

Ah, memories.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's so cool to hear about how things are going for you. I love how you realized that there is a difference between Grad and UGrad life. Can't wait until I discover it(or maybe I can...)! I will learn from you, and enjoy it while I can.