Saturday, July 2, 2011

It's Already July? Can I Get a Time-turner?

It's apparently July. This came as a bit of surprise to me this morning, although it shouldn't have. It is officially less than a month before I take the California Bar Exam and I am completely unprepared. Well, not completely, but it feels a bit like that. Good thing I still have a couple of weeks to work 12 hours a day to make sure I pass that darn thing. To get me through this, besides the release of Harry Potter mid-July, is a trip to Hawaii for the second weekend of August.

I'm SO excited. My friends and I are staying at Aston Waikiki Beach Hotel and it looks like this:
Are you jealous? Because present me is already jealous of future me. I can't wait to go!

Other than that, my mom moves to Baton Rouge next week and I hope visit her in August after my trip to Hawaii. I also hope to get a job sometime soon. I gotta lot on my plate; here's to hoping I can handle it.