Monday, May 11, 2009


Okay--I've been studying SO much lately that I've listened to music pretty much non-stop and my music phases are brief and fickle. The first phase I went through consisted of mainly Girl Talk with the occasional Kid Cudi or Kenna song thrown in the mix. Then it was on to Lonely Island, especially On a Boat and Like A Boss (I love those songs). And now I've securely settled into Animal Collective's newish (Jan. 2009) CD, Phoenix, and Jenny Lewis peppered by Fleet Foxes. So, here's a song I love right now:

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Blame It On The Procrastination

This video cracks me up. Jake Gyllenhaal, Forest Whitaker, Ron Howard and Samuel L. doesn't get any better than that line up for a hip hop music video. Perfection.

Friday, May 1, 2009


These are the funny/ good/ interesting things I watched today to procrastinate:

So the Swine Flu comes from the 1970s--I knew it! The 70s were a cultural cesspit apparently it was disease-ridden cultural cesspit.
Awesome song and video--can't get it out of my head.

Okay. That is all. Back to studying.